Spiritual Lysol: 3 Must Have Ways to Protect Your Home (and Yourself) From Bad Energy
Recently, a friend of mine had a scary experience. She woke up and felt something very negative in her bedroom. She said she had felt several “pushes” to contact me to see if I could give her a hand. I could - (or rather, my spice cabinet could) and we were able to assemble a sort of “Spiritual Lysol” kit for her to rid her home of the negative energy that had made her feel so uneasy.
I believe in good, old-fashioned practical magic: time honored traditions that have been passed down through centuries and generations of healers, mediums, and psychics.
Fair warning: I am not an exorcist, nor do I professionally clean houses. These are tips that have worked for me in both my personal and professional lives.
Using Sage to Protect and Clean
First and foremost, anyone interested in cleaning their home on a regular basis NEEDS sage. It’s an absolute must have, especially on those dark nights where you’re worried that the laundry basket might actually be the ghost of a guy come to hang out from 1874. Or grandma, hanging out too long.
Sage is easy to use and inexpensive. Amazon has some wonderful sage bundles for relatively inexpensive. Simply light the sage stick and let the smoke billow gently throughout the area. Sage yourself as well.
Cleansing Prayers and Intention
When you use prayers or intention, you are drawing clear boundary lines with energy. You are saying here is what I need or here is what I allow. Intention is extremely important in so many areas of life, and especially in the realm of the spiritual.
When I need to clear a space or need to shift the energy, I say a few deeply felt words of intention. My favorite way of using the words of intention is to combine them with burning sage. Remember to say the words clearly and loudly. Visualize your strength anchoring you to the earth as you speak.
Some of my favorite sample cleansing intentions or prayers are as follows:
For General Cleansing
Only the highest of light is allowed in this sacred space.
For Allowing Select Beings from Your “Team” to Be Present
Only [name of well loved deceased family member], my guides/guardian angels, and the light of [name of deity - God, Jesus, Universe, Virgin Mary, etc.] are permitted to be in this space at this time. All else must depart.
A Favorite Prayer
Recite a favorite prayer from your spiritual tradition.
Doing the Unstuck: Kill the Clutter
As the recent bestseller The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up shows, clutter plays a huge part not only in the accumulation of random stuff, but in energy accumulation as well. Every object on earth has energy - and if you have a junk “room” full of old boxes and piles of unread books, chances are it’s causing a serious energy drain. Clutter keeps you from focusing on stuff that needs to happen.
Decluttering an area can help you feel like you’re unstuck. This will make you feel clearer and more positive. On a spiritual level, cleaning up or getting rid of old junk will give old or more negative energy less space to germinate and take root. As a friend of mine said when I was cleaning out a cluttered space in my house, “You’re giving old energy less room to move.”
What are your favorite cleansing tips? Leave them in the comments below.