Fun Fridays: More like a Full Moon in Libra Friday.
What's a New Moon? What's a Full Moon?
The Full Moon closes out the energy of the month and asks us if we have what it takes, where as New Moon energy (always at the start of the month) opens the energy and give us a chance to manifest.
Right now, the Full Moon will be going into Libra on April 17. Our New Moon opened the month in Aries. Our last New Moon was in Aries, encouraging us to manifest Aries skills: aggression, bravery, independence (though other factors may have encouraged us to wait on it).
See below. The key words are in black.
to bring bravery and assertiveness to situations.
New Moon
(earlier this month) longed to
these qualities.
Libra (
Full) Moon
longs to bring relationship skills and diplomacy to
a situation.
As I wrote in a previous post, “Full Moons provide the template for these wishes and dreams. Full Moons dare us to see if we reaaally have the guts and the power to make good on our manifestations. They give us support.”
Now, the Full Moon in Libra(4/17) asks us if we’re able to balance the scales enough (Libra traits) to manifest our strength and independence (Aries Sun traits).
Creating a balance between Aries/Libra elements is important in the next 2.5 days. This may mean that fueled by the several major planets in Aries currently, we have a chance to go back into or rebuild an existing relationship, but thanks to all the Aries energy, we're reminded to not give up ourselves. Also, Aries gives us a wonderful new power - a reminder that we are truly recreating from the ground up. Aries is about new growth, so we can manifest new situations in relationships.
As one of my all time favorite astrologers
The Libra Full Moon in ordinary times might be one to celebrate all things artful and harmonious. It's a peak when the instinct to balance out relationships is strong. But this is also an extraordinary time of choice. We can re-create the old dramas, but with dangerous intensity. Or we can choose to see the blank canvas, and our freedom to draw forth new possibilities."
So well said, Molly.
What a powerful idea - and I think that notion of deciding to recreate or create the old dramas, or allowing yourself to rebuild is a perfect example of the transformative power of our human process. Because of all the Aries energy that is around (Sun, Mercury,
) we're going to want to change and change now. It's raw and it's fast and this energy can leave us aching to go into the New and Unknown. Use the power of this Full Moon in Libra to manifest and move forward, egged on by all the Aries planets. (Also, of course, remember that
is still in effect, so any communication may be wrinkly until two weeks after April 23, the final date of Retrograde.
ASTRO HINT: If you know your chart, find where Aries falls in your chart. If your rising/ascendent sign is in Gemini, Aries will be in your 11th house of friends. Also find where Libra falls naturally in your chart. If, for example, your rising sign is Gemini, Libra will fall in your 5th house of love and children. How will you be impacted by the Sun in Aries/Full Moon in Libra opposition? Look to your chart.
- M